• Reimbursements: This is the most common voucher type. Reimbursements are used when someone in the group bought something upfront and needs to be paid back by the SA afterwards.
    • Example: supplies bought for bake sale.
  • Vendor Payments: This is for paying a bill to a vendor that is not associated with the SA. This includes university offices (such as Res-Life, Campus Telephone, and Sodexo) and off-campus organizations (such as E&SPN, Sam's Club, Muckles, etc.).
    • Example: paying a bill from Physical Facilities.
  • Transfer: This is to transfer money from their account to another SA organization.
    • Note: Transferred funds do not count as fundraised income.
  • Personal Service: This is to pay someone for their "work". Personal Services require a contract and a W9.
    • Examples include hiring a performer, contracting a webmaster, bringing in a minute taker for meetings, and many more.

Date: 01/28/2025
  • Do not click or write anything in this box.
    • Note: It is used for internal processing.
Internal Use Only
Date # _________________
Check # _________________
Batch # _________________
  • Reimbursements: Put the full legal name (the name found on government ID) of the person you are reimbursing.
    • Mail To: Put the address that the check must be mailed to and check off the "Mail to Payee" field.
    • Pick Up: Put the email address of the student that will pick up the check from the Foundation Office. Address information is not needed if the check is being picked up. Put the name of the individual that is picking up the check in the "Pick Up By:" field.
  • Vendor Payments: Put the name that the invoice specifies as "make checks payable to" or "remit to". Put the address that the check must be mailed to.
    • Note: Always select "Mail to Payee" for Vendor Payments.
  • Transfer: Leave this entire box blank.
  • Personal Service: Put the full legal name (the name found on a government ID) of the person who you are paying (provider).
    • Mail To: Put the address that the check must be mailed to (must match the provider's W9) and check off the "Mail to Payee" field.
    • Pick up: Only a certified treasurer can pick up the check from the foundation office.
Pay to
(Legal Name)
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
City State Zip
Phone Number
Payee Email
  • Scroll through the list of groups and select your group.
Select Your Organization
  • Do not click or write anything in this box.
    • Note: It is for internal processing.
  • Check this box if the person you are reimbursing or paying needs the check mailed to them.
  • Tracking ID: If you ordered an item online, please enter at least the last 6 characters of the tracking ID here.

  • If you have more than one tracking ID, enter all of them separated by commas.
  • Check this box if the person being reimbursed needs to pick up the check from the Foundation Office (located in Old O'Connor).
    • Note: We recommend not choosing this option near the end of the semester or right before breaks.
Can only be the
payee with proper ID
  • Check this box if you used a purchase order for this payment.
    • Note: This is only used for vendor payments and occasional personal services).
  • Enter the Purchase Order number (found on your purchase order).
    • Example: A509
  • Choose the expense type that most corresponds with what you purchased.
    • Note: For events, scroll down to "Events" section.
Expense Type
  • You only need to fill out this box if the voucher is a Vendor Payment.

  • Put the invoice number (found on the bill).
Invoice #
  • Reimbursements : Describe the purchase that was made. Make sure this description is itemized. Only fill out one line per receipt.
    • Event: If this was for an event, include the name and location of the event.
      • Example: UU 203
  • Vendor Payments: Describe the purchase that was made. Only fill out one line per receipt.
    • Event: If this was for an event, include the name and location of the event.
      • Example: UU 203
  • Transfer: Describe the transfer being made (refer to Transfers section of the Financial Policies and Procedures).
    • Event: If this was for an event, include the name and location of the event.
      • Example: UU 203
    • Note: Do not forget to attach the agreement letter signed by both organizations.
  • Personal Service: Describe the service that was provided (refer to Contracts section of the Financial Policies and Procedures).
    • Mail To : Put the address that the check must be mailed to (must match the provider's W9) and check off the "Mail to Payee" field.
      • Event: If this was for an event, include the name and location of the event.
        • Example: UU 203
      • Note: Do not forget to attach the Contract and W9 of the provider.
  • Event: Put the date of the event that you made this purchase for.

  • Non-Event: Put the date you made this purchase.
Event Date
  • Put the subtotal amount of the receipt/invoice/transfer/payment (one receipt/invoice per line).
  • Do not forget to subtract out tax.
    • Note: To avoid tax, we recommend using tax exempt forms (tax exempt forms must be requested/used prior to purchasing).
    • Write the subtracted amount in the "Description" field for faster processing.
  • Do not forget to subtract fridge costs.
    • Note: Fridge costs are costs that fall outside of necessity
      • Over 15% gratuity
      • Non-Standard shipping
      • Late Fees are also considered a fridge cost
    • Write the subtracted amount in the "Description" field for faster processing.
Date Stamp
  • Make sure there is only one line per receipt/invoice.
    • Example: If you were reimbursing someone for a Walmart and a Nirchi's purchase, make sure that there are two rows filled out on the voucher, each row for one receipt.
  • Payee signs here (the person you are reimbursing/paying).
    • Note: Vendor Payments and Personal Service payments do not require a Payee Signature.
    • Note: The Payee Signature cannot be the same as the Organizational Approval signature.

Payee Signature


  • Certified Treasurer or President signs here.
    • Note: The Payee Signature cannot be the same as the Organizational Approval signature.
    • Note: All vouchers require Organizational Approval.
    • Example: If the organization Treasurer (Person A) purchased the item, Person A signs as the Payee. Then, the President (Person B) would sign as Organizational Approval.

Organization Approval - Treasurer/President Signature


Student Association Approval
This commitment complies with SUNY Board of Trustees policy. It is not a fiscal obligation of the State of New York.

Vice President for Finance


University Designee


I hereby certify that the above expenses were incurred by me for the purpose stated; that the information given is correct, and that no part thereof has been paid except stated.